Number of students
Every academic year up to fifty (50) postgraduate students are accepted in the postgraduate program.
Categories of graduates
Graduate students of Universities and Technological Educational Institutions of Greece (as defined by Article 2 of n.3549/2007, GG 69/20.03.2007) or recognized foreign Institutions are admitted in the MEd Program. The applicants from foreign institutions must have their qualification approved by DIKATSA or DOATAP. Students who are expected to become graduates by the end of the registration period (September of each academic year) may apply to the MEd Program, provided that they will submit their degree, if selected. Foreign applicants must also have adequate knowledge of Greek language (C1 Level and above) to be accepted to the PSP program.
More information on the certification of Greek language can be found in the webpage of the Centre for the Greek Language, state center supervised by the Ministry of Education and Religion, responsible for the organization of the greek language certification exams. Centre for the Greek Language
Selection criteria of postgraduate students
The selection of students on the MEd Program is made by the Selection and Assessment Committee of Graduate Students consisting of faculty members and established by decision of the General Assembly of the Department. The Committee will take into account (in accordance with Article 4 of Law. 3685/2008) a) the applicant’s special skills, resulting from the application file and b) the applicant’s performance as assessed during the oral interview.
1. For the selection of postgraduate students the following qualifications are required:
A degree of Greek University, Technological Department or recognized foreign institution
Very good, certified knowledge (level C1) of at least one foreign language (English or German). Candidates who do not have a certification of very good foreign language knowledge are written examined in understanding of scientific text from the cognitive area of the MEd in English, during the oral interview.
2. Except from the above, for the selection of postgraduate students, the following will be taken into account:
A. The special qualifications of the candidates, as they result from the documents submitted to the Secretariat of the MEd Program.
B. The performance of the candidates during the oral interview.
Application procedure
Following a call for applications that is published in the website of the PSP Program candidates have to complete an online application through “Nautilus” system of applications of the University of the Aegean, uploading also the required documents.
Nautilus applications platform
In the second step the applications are checked from the members of the Selection and Assessment Committee of Graduate Students for their validity.
Any invalid applications are ruled out of the third step.
In the third step remaining candidates are called to participate in personal, oral interviews carried out by distance.
In the fourth step the total sum of assessment points from the academic qualifications and the oral interview are calculated (70% of the total points comes from documented qualifications and 30% from the performance during the interview) and the students with the highest total score are called to register to the program. The participation to the interview is obligatory and any applicants that do not participate are automatically ruled out of the selection process.
If a candidate does not complete the registration according to the instructions then he/she is ruled out and the position is offered to the first candidate after the 50th one with the highest total sum of assessment points.
The process continues until the number of 50 students is reached or until there are no more candidates to be called for registration to the program.